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Putts True • Advanced Density • Fine, Velvety Texture
Mach 1 Ultradwarf is a premium greens-grade grass that delivers golf’s purest, fastest bermudagrass putting greens, most comparable to bentgrass. Mach 1’s finer leaf blades, shorter leaf length, and closer internodes create exceptionally dense putting surfaces that putt true with no swirling grain. Suitable for golf course tees.
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Mach 1 Ultradwarf Bermuda Greens
Agronomic Benefits for Your Golf Course
Premium Putting Surface
Faster Grow-in
Low Height of Cut
Less Fertilizer

Lower Inputs
Tolerates Drought
Early Spring Green-Up
Shade Tolerance
Mach 1 Ultradwarf Bermuda
Agronomic Benefits for Your Golf Course

No Seedheads Ever
Facilities Grassed with Mach 1 Ultradwarf Bermuda
Some of the world’s most elite clubs have selected Mach 1 to differentiate themselves and deliver the highest quality greens possible for their members and guests. A warm-season turfgrass, Mach 1 Ultradwarf Bermuda is well-suited for warm-season climates. Turf covers recommended in the Transition Zone.